
Apr 21, 2021



In order to determine which way to go in diablo 2 we use directions as left, right and straight. These are determined by which way the entrance map tile is facing.
首先约定好什么是左边、右边、前方,这是有我们进入地下城 It's kind of like playing the game from 1st person camera, the front of your character is straight, left hand is to the left and right hand is to the right.
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3x right = left explanations (works both ways)
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Cold plains(冰冷之原)

Cold plains - follow the road, take a path thats closer to the wall or looks like it will end up in the middle of the wall, if you see yourself going towards a corner u can turn and choose the other direction
冰冷之原——沿大路走,选择更靠墙的路或者看上去会在墙中间结束的路,如果走向墙角,就转向。 Note: as usual it's just an example of a map, the exits can be placed randomly on each side (never both on the same wall) Sorry for the quality of this picture, couldn't manage a shot of entire map so had to make a bunch of screenshots and then put them together, well others are done the same way but they look decent because of the black background Stony field - follow the road, tristram stones are in 99% of situations located near the road, waypoint located randomly
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Underground passage

Underground passage - Go straight from your entrance tile (directions explained in picture), try to go along right wall, avoid turning left unless u have no other options. Note: avoid "voodoo camps" as they are always a dead end Dark wood - follow the road in order to get to black marsh. Avoid the road if you're looking for the tree as it's never right next to it. Black marsh - don't go towards bottom left of your screen as it will never lead to tamoe highland (due to monastery gate being always the same in the top right of your screen). Tower and waypoint are located near the walls (both centre and side ones).
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Forgotten Tower

Tower- Exit is always left from the entrance, in nightmare and hell where the maps are bigger it can be anywhere on the map but the relation between exit and entrance always stays the same. T-shaped room with columns on the sides and wall on the top left always has a super chest.
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Outer cloister

Outer cloister - look at the pictures, depending on the waypoint position and existance of statue / cross u choose the correct direction Note: There are only 3 variations of this map
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Jail lv1 - go straight from the entrance tile Notes: waypoint is to the left, exit is to the left if you're starting from the waypoint
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Jail lv2 - exit is to the left from your entrance tile
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Catacombs 1 - the only way to orientate here is to look either at waypoint to find exit or to look at exit and find waypoint. Exit is to the right of waypoint tile, waypoint is to the left of exit tile. Entrance doesnt tell us anything Note: exit might be behind the waypoint, 3x left turn = right turn Catacombs 2 - no known pattern, only tells are knowing deadend tiles and exit tiles, but even then it only tells us if we should enter or skip a certain room. Not covering this stuff here, you will start reckognizing them anyway.
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